What is psychoergometry?

This is a methodology for a comprehensive assessment of human potential with the help of objective
tools - devices and software and hardware systems. Characteristics are evaluated
human nervous system, which is the basis for the implementation of any purposeful
The main difference from traditional methods is that it is not physical parameters that are evaluated
brain and peripheral nervous system, not the answers to the questions of the questionnaires, but the results
the work performed – simple actions that do not require prior training,
special skills.
The test uses button presses and other simple hand movements as work.
Therefore, psychoergometry is applicable for both children and adults.
The results of performing simple work are also easy to evaluate with the help of equipment:
time, quantity, errors. Data processing is carried out in automatic mode with high
accuracy. The results obtained are compared with success in a particular activity.
person, as well as with any other objective or subjective data.
The uniqueness of the technique is the ability to obtain and process in a short time
data on large samples, revealing statistically significant patterns.
Thus, psychoergometry is a measurement of the expected performance
mental, physical and intellectual activity of a person, his individual
differences, makings.
Such an assessment of a person's potential increases the likelihood of predicting it.
success in certain areas of life.
Practical application of research results:

A person's ability to perceive and memorize / assimilate new information with a certain quality, volume and speed differ due to individual differences. Universal education, its programs provide only one combination of these parameters, so people learn the material in different ways. The technique will allow to build the learning process more qualitatively, in accordance with the capabilities of each individual person or groups of people. In addition, individual differences can form abilities for a complex direction of study, for example, in exact or humanitarian disciplines - the methodology will also help identify a tendency to this.

Different people can perform the same work, spending different efforts and time, with different accuracy. The technique will allow a person to choose exactly the job where his individual characteristics will be applied most effectively.

Human resources services and employers are interested in ensuring that their employees are as consistent as possible with their job responsibilities. A new objective tool for assessing the professional qualities of an applicant will be added to the study of resumes, interviews, questionnaires of psychologists, which are of a subjective nature. Within the framework of the existing staff, the methodology will help to create units from the most compatible people for the most effective cooperation, including a bunch of boss-subordinate.

Sports coaches are interested in selecting the most promising athletes both at the beginning of their career and in team building in the process of sports activities. The methodology will help to choose the most gifted and create teams based on the more detailed study of the individual characteristics of beginners and experienced athletes. Some psychomotor tests have already been successfully used in elite sports for a long time. When choosing a sports section for children and their parents, the methodology will also tell you the most preferred sports.

Some human activities carry the risk of injury and/or endanger one's own life or that of others. These include driving vehicles, including scooters, bicycles and other personal vehicles. The level of some individual differences in a person creates an increased risk of using such vehicles. The technique will objectively help people avoid such risks.

A person reaches the maximum efficiency of life activity at a mature age from 18 to 65 years. Children and the elderly have less effective abilities. However, it is not always possible to link real age to abilities, the biological age and passport age of adults can vary up to 30 years, in children - up to 6 years. The technique will allow you to objectively assess the capabilities of a person at any age based on his real inclinations.

Partners and participants of the project
"Logoprognoz" is a center for effective brain training for children from 1 to 13 years old. It was created in 2012 by Victoria and Oleg Efimov
Synapse laboratory conducts research in the field of psychophysiology. The project is aimed at creating an interdisciplinary research center that will study the psychophysiological mechanisms of success in teaching children and adults at the modern level.
Equipment for studying the parameters of the microcirculatory-tissue system: microcirculation of blood flow, lymph flow and oxidative metabolism by laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF) and laser fluorescence spectroscopy (LFS).
Education Center in Chowara Good Samaritan Charitable Trust, Adimalathura, Chowara, Kerala
The Scientific Center of Neurology is the largest neurological clinic in Russia, the leading research and treatment and diagnostic center of the country, capable of solving any problems in the field of neurology and related disciplines
The Habilect complex is a marker-free system for diagnostics and rehabilitation. Without sensors on the patient's body or platform, the doctor receives an assessment of balance, gait, stress on the joints, plus a rehabilitation complex with biofeedback with augmented reality and motivational games
Participate in auto and moto track days at Moscow Raceway, in conditions of guaranteed safety and a real track for super starts.
The goal of the SMP Racing program is to popularize motor sports in our country. Since its foundation in 2013, dozens of young Russian pilots who have achieved success in the Russian and world motorsport arenas have become its pupils.
Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science of the Order of Friendship of Peoples Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology. N.N. Miklukho-Maclay of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IEA RAS) is a leading Russian research center in the field of ethnology, sociocultural and physical anthropology.
State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow "School No. 1522 named after V.I. Churkin"
State budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 235 with in-depth study of individual subjects named after. D.D. Shostakovich Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg
State budgetary educational institution secondary school No. 225 of the Admiralteisky district of St. Petersburg
What if slow learners could become star pupils?
Medical equipment for diagnostics, neurophysiology and rehabilitation
The Russian Esports Federation (FCS of Russia) is an all-Russian public organization responsible for the development of mass computer sports (e-sports) in the Russian Federation. By order of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation No. 562 of June 15, 2018, the FCS of Russia was accredited as an all-Russian sports federation for the sport of "Computer Sports".
"National Medical Research Center for Rehabilitation and Balneology" of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation